- One lap warm up
- Heel walk - Alternate heel walk with toe walk.
- Ankle rolls
- Lunge walk - 10 meters. 45 angle on the way back
- Ski squats - 10 x 10 x 10
- One Leg toe touch - Bend over keeping hips back. Left leg back. Touch right toe with left hand. Do 5 times without touching left leg to ground. Repeat with other leg.
- Pogo jumps - using calves
- Pogo taps - using ankles. Think dorsi flex. Slam toes down.
- Speed skaters
- Vertical/Lateral line jump series - Both legs then singles
- Box jumps - both directions double leg then single leg
- Diagonal jumps - both legs then single
- Ski Squat fast feet - Squat position fast choppy steps
- Ski squat hops - Same position. Fast low hops.
- Lunge jumps - 10 each leg 20 total
- Wide outs - Close ski squat position. Hop both feet wider then back 10 reps with 10 second rest. 30 total.
Agility Drills
- Accelerate/Decelerate
- Run to cone at 5 yards.
- Bend over and touch both hands on either side of foot.
- Back peddle to start and touch both hands.
- Sprint forward past line.
- Run to cone at 5 yards.
- Lateral change of direction
- Run 5 yard to the right.
- Plant right foot laterally.
- Stay low.
- Shift weight to left leg and cross over.
- Run 5 yards back and plant left foot.
- Shift weight to right leg and cross over.
- Sprint through.
- Run 5 yard to the right.
- U Drill
- Put two cones vertically 5 yards apart.
- Run up to cone and touch with one hand.
- Run backwards and shuffle around cone.
- Run up to cone and touch with other hand.
- Back peddle, shuffle around and sprint through.
- Put two cones vertically 5 yards apart.
- Figure 8 Shuffle
- Three cones about 2 yards apart.
- Small shuffle steps facing same direction.
- Don’t kick ankles and don’t cross over.
- Three cones about 2 yards apart.
- Square drill
- 4 cones 4 yards apart.
- Agility stance. Controlled run forward.
- Plant with left foot and shuffle to the right.
- Plant right foot and back peddle.
- Plant right foot and shuffle left.
- Plant left foot.
- Shift weight to right and cross over.
- Sprint back.
- 4 cones 4 yards apart.
- Inside Out Figure 8
- Cone or chalk figure 8.
- Shuffle tracing 8 so you are facing inside on one end and outside on other.
- Switch direction.
- Cone or chalk figure 8.