853 (Hold for 8 count, 5-reps - repeat three times consecutively without a rest)
50 Donkey Calve Raises (10 full range, 10 recovery, 10full, 10rec, 10full),
Toe Pulls (853)
Single Leg Jumps (1 rope, L/R)
Pogo hops (1 rope)
Full Squat Jump (2 ropes)
Full Squat Jump (0 ropes)
- Lunge Series – Forward Hip Flexsion (10L/10R), Overhead plate Lunge (10L/10R), Hop hop (10)
- Good Mornings (853), Standing Pelvic Tilt (10x10sec), Inch worm to extended plank (10 x 5 sec hold)
- Tri-Superset (7s / 6s) Extension, Overhead Extension, Kickbacks / Single Arm Press to Scissor Jump (5L/5R)
- Calves
50 Donkey Calve Raises (10 full range, 10 recovery, 10full, 10rec, 10full),
Toe Pulls (853)
- Body Pulls Rings (853), Ring Dips (853)
- Glute/Ham Fall 10 / Glute / Ham Pull 10
- Butt-Bands (8 x 5sec, L/R), B-bands (8 x 5sec, L/R) - Sprinters / Mid Distance Only
- Resistant Squat Jammer Press - Throwers / Jumpers Only
- Swiss Ball – 10, Pikes w/Push-Up, Kneeling ab Roll out 10, Ring Push-up w/Punches 10
- Power Step-up to Knee Drive 10 L/R, Single Leg Squats/Swiss Ball (853)
- Vertimaxx (30sec on / 15sec rest)
Single Leg Jumps (1 rope, L/R)
Pogo hops (1 rope)
Full Squat Jump (2 ropes)
Full Squat Jump (0 ropes)